Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thinking On Our Status

Although our politicall and social conditions resembles that of the Prophet in Makkah our legal reality is Madinan because the mission of the Prophet is over, and our diyn (religion, way of life) is completed and the revalations from Allah is over. So we cannot legally apply the Makkan aspects of the Quran because we are obliged to fulfill the Madinan aspects. However, we can can still draw light and strategy from how the Prophet acted in Makkah and the Makkan revelations because of our weakness and lack of political and legal authority as minorities under n0n-Muslim legal jurisdiction or a majority ruled by a Muslim ruler who refuse to implement all of the Shariah or implements it in parts or mixed with western or eastern legal systems. In this section we will be discussing the shariatic obligations on a Musim minority community and its leadership under non-Muslim rule. An issue totally ignored by most scholars because it calls for politcal foresight and will, instead some have swept the issue under owning a passport or having a visa equalling this to a contractual relationship between yhe said minority and the state. Neglecting to explain the differences between an immigrant Muslim who leaves his/her land and takes up residence willing or unwiling and the case of those who were born Muslim or accepted Islam under a non-Muslim state.

So we shall explore this issue and examine the legal provisions of the Shariah, International Law, UN Articles and Provisions to determine how best Muslim minorities can please their Lord, and how the state can solve its problems and guarantee their security. Most of all, there is a way forward, within the present legal environment to secure minority rights without being charged with treason. Currenly, I am writing a my dissertation on this issue for Politics and Sociology degree at Brunel University, this is a topic which I have researched over the years and on which I intend to develop on. In this field there are others both Muslims and Kafirs who have written on this matter, we hope to provide some of these articles, in Arabic and English for those who are interested.

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